The following is a program that lets a Human play "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock" against the computer... (almost playable at:
Note I have posted a follow-up question incorporating the suggestions that have been made in answers and comments on this question.
Comments, critiques, suggestions are welcome and encouraged.
import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Random;import java.util.Scanner;/** * Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock * <p> * * <p> * Interface for a human to play against the computer. */public class RPSLS { /** * Set up the rules for the game. * What are the moves, and what beats what! */ public enum Move { Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock; static { Rock.willBeat(Scissors, Lizard); Paper.willBeat(Rock,Spock); Scissors.willBeat(Paper, Lizard); Lizard.willBeat(Spock,Paper); Spock.willBeat(Rock,Scissors); } // what will this move beat - populated in static initializer private Move[] ibeat; private void willBeat(Move...moves) { ibeat = moves; } /** * Return true if this Move will beat the supplied move * @param move the move we hope to beat * @return true if we beat that move. */ public boolean beats(Move move) { // use binary search in case someone wants to set up crazy rules. return Arrays.binarySearch(ibeat, move) >= 0; } } // This is a prompt that is set up just once per JVM private static final String MOVEPROMPT = buildOptions(); private static String buildOptions() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" -> "); // go through the possible moves, and make a prompt string. for (Move m : Move.values()) { sb.append(m.ordinal() + 1).append(") ").append(""); } // include a quit option. sb.append(" q) Quit"); return sb.toString(); } /** * get some input from the human. * @param scanner What we read the input from. * @param prompt What we prompt the user for. * @param defval If the user just presses enter, what do we return. * @return the value the user entered (just the first char of it). */ private static final char prompt(Scanner scanner, String prompt, char defval) { // prompt the user. System.out.print(prompt +": "); // it would be nice to use a Console or something, but running from Eclipse there isn't one. String input = scanner.nextLine(); if (input.isEmpty()) { return defval; } return input.charAt(0); } /** * Simple conditional that prompts the user to play again, and returns true if we should. * @param scanner the scanner to get the input from * @return true if the user wants to continue. */ private static boolean playAgain(Scanner scanner) { return ('n' != prompt(scanner, "\nPlay Again (y/n)?", 'y')); } /** * Prompt the user for a move. * @param scanner The scanner to get the move from * @return the move the user wants to do. */ private static Move getHumanMove(Scanner scanner) { // loop until we get some valid input. do { char val = prompt(scanner, MOVEPROMPT, 'q'); if ('q' == val) { // user does not want to make a move... or just presses enter too fast. return null; } int num = (val - '0') - 1; if (num >= 0 && num < Move.values().length) { // we got valid input. Return. return Move.values()[num]; } System.out.println("Invalid move "+ val); } while (true); } /** * Run the game.... Good Luck! * @param args these are ignored. */ public static void main(String[] args) { final Random rand = new Random(); final Move[] moves = Move.values(); final Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; int htotal = 0; int ctotal = 0; do { System.out.println("\nBest of 3.... Go!"); int hscore = 0; int cscore = 0; bestofthree: do { final Move computer = moves[rand.nextInt(moves.length)]; final Move human = getHumanMove(scanner); if (human == null) { System.out.println("Human quits Best-of-3..."); // quit the best-of-three loop break bestofthree; } if (human == computer) { System.out.printf(" DRAW... play again!! (%s same as %s)\n", human, computer); } else if ( { hscore++; System.out.printf(" HUMAN beats Computer (%s beats %s)\n", human, computer); } else { cscore++; System.out.printf(" COMPUTER beats Human (%s beats %s)\n", computer, human); } // play until someone scores 2.... } while (hscore != 2 && cscore != 2); // track the total scores. if (hscore == 2) { htotal++; } else { // perhaps the human quit while ahead, computer wins that too. ctotal++; } String winner = hscore == 2 ? "Human" : "Computer"; System.out.printf("\n %s\n **** %s wins Best-Of-Three (Human=%d, Computer=%d - game total is Human=%d Computer=%d)\n", winner.toUpperCase(), winner, hscore, cscore, htotal, ctotal); // Shall we play again? } while (playAgain(scanner)); System.out.printf("Thank you for playing. The final game score was Human=%d and Computer=%d\n", htotal, ctotal); }}